What I Do
I have known him for more than ten years, in my capacity as a professor of offshore and marine structural engineering at K.N. Toosi University of technology, Iran. He achieved 1st rank among all marine structures students in 2013 at K.N. Toosi university of technology. Regarding his research skills, I would rank Dr Ezzat in the top 2% of students that I have taught in the recent years. Dr Ezzati also collaborated with me on different research projects, some peer-reviewed technical papers and as an advisor for some of my MSc. students.

I have known him since 2013 when he enrolled in my class in the field of advanced materials in Babol Noshirvani University of technology. He deservedly received the highest grade (19/20) among all students in 2013. The activities of Mehdi in my class involved a high level of interaction between Ph.D. candidates in performing the analytical assessment of advanced materials. My work with Mehdi has given me the utmost confidence in his skills, his capacity to learn and try new ideas, and his tenacity.

I have known him for nearly nine years, and I was his supervisor during 2015-2018. Knowing Dr. Ezzati closely for a long time and according to my judgement, I believe that he has a great potential to perform advanced researches in the field of marine structures and advanced materials. In recent years, he has also been working in a consulting engineers company which provide him with the opportunity to broaden his skillet greatly in marine structures and additive manufacturing industry.